drupal contribute my module

Another reason why developing for Drupal is more welcoming than.
My module reviews: http://drupal.org/node/1828926#comment-6867994 .. Thanks for your contribution to Drupal Community and for your.
May 15, 2012. If my module calls a function of another module, that other module should be listed. The Drupal.org.info file documentation does not define a.
My ultimate goal is to write a module specific to the application but I first need to . the power of drupal) and ease the development of the final module. .. be happily hacking my module together and contributing patches to the.
CIVIcontribute for Drupal 7 : where is it ? - CiviCRM Community Forums.

drupal contribute my module

Converting 5.x modules to 6.x | drupal.org.
[GSOC: Proposal] Port Og_panels to D7 and. - Drupal Groups.

drupal contribute my module

Correct proceedure for handling and display of a MySQL column of.
Can we contribute the.tpl files for a drupal module.. module. In my hack solution I copied and modified templates for membership and events.
One of my strategies is to sunset my D6 module and contribute to community efforts. I've started to engage with the team working on the D7.
Aug 27, 2010. The problem is I don't see the "+install new module" word link on my Modules page. And I tried installing manually by placing the folder as.
Dec 12, 2010. The Internal Links module, Intlinks, is a simple set (currently two) of input filters which modify the output. This module was written as a part of my internship as a Drupal developer with Cocomore.. How Can You Contribute?
(installation of CIVICRM Drupal distribution, then the "core" and "non core" versions, etc.), but cannot find the CIVIcontribute module through my.
Internal Links | drupal.org.
Said that, thanks a lot for your effort in contributing to Drupal.org. .. look into a few module's code files to see if i can improve my commenting.
drupal installation in my modules folder.. to be there and was causing errors on my blog page having to do with the taxonomy module (isn't anymore, but not sure why).. Contributions to this site are licensed under a Creative Commons.

#6998 (drupal installation in my modules folder.?) – Support.

Jul 24, 2012. This can be seen in the site for Drupal modules and the site hosting WordPress modules.. there is no information on how I can contribute anything at all! Even the. when I decided to submit my first patch to a Drupal module.
Note: This is my first contrib module :-]. Regards, Enrique .. You can find lots more contributors chatting on IRC in #drupal-contribute. So, come.
Most of my projects involve using the multigroup module.. checkout -r <version tag> -d moduleName contributions/modules/moduleName.
Mar 11, 2013. My site: http://julian.granger-bevan.me. Maintainer of: Project Management Module. You can contribute towards my Drupal work at.
(This is just my personal preference in keeping the module file clear, not .. http:// drupalcontrib.org/api/drupal/contributions!webform!webform.
This is my first Drupal module, I hope to receive some feedback and. you considered contributing a setting to any of the above modules to.
In general, do not attempt to contribute patches against git tags. .. A patch for a spelling error on the contributed module "my_module" and a suggested fix in. I want to ignore all *~ files; as these are created by my text editor on file save.
What should we do with the Storm group? | Drupal Groups.

webform_feedback module [#1852392] | Drupal.

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